Friday, March 28, 2014

Oh these blooming lilies as white as snow


Oh these blooming lilies as white as snow 
on this crystal blue waters 
how could I row my boat
as I’ll wake them up from their sweetest dream   
The star blossoms descended from sky 
rest on this quiet blue waters 
no I don’t want to stir it up

Oh this splashing moonlight over this meadow
keeps me awake 
as if  you are beside me 
in my dreams a bee humming 
to the most beautiful inflorescence 
and I thought for a moment
that’s you my love

Oh this sweetest fragrance swept with this breeze
brings the essence of the sweet blossoms
isn't this you whom I feel 
the sleep seeping in hurting me
closing the dozing eye lids 
even in this hazy dream
a tear rolling down wets my cheek


  1. Nature and love. pure love is beautiful as well as pure nature..

  2. Yes Manosh what makes this song so sweet is the imagination stimulated to visualise this landscape.
